Pawn Shop Chronicles, also known as Hustlers, is a 2013 crime comedy film directed by Wayne Kramer and written by Adam Minarovich. The film stars an ensemble cast, led by Paul Walker, Matt Dillon, Brendan Fraser, Vincent D’Onofrio, Norman Reedus, and Chi McBride. Centering on the events in and around a pawn shop, Pawn Shop Chronicles tells three overlapping stories involving items found within said pawn shop. This was the final film featuring Walker to be released in his lifetime, as he died four months after its release.
In this shop, these people may be pawning far more than they bargained for: Brendan Fraser (THE MUMMY), Elijah Wood (THE LORD OF THE RINGS), Vincent D’Onofrio (MEN IN BLACK), Academy Award nominee Matt Dillon (CRASH), Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead), Thomas Jane (Hung), Lukas Haas (INCEPTION), and Paul Walker (THE FAST & THE FURIOUS), star in 3 twisted tales all connected by items from a Southern small-town pawn shop. A man searching for his kidnapped wife, a couple of white-supremacist meth heads, and a sad-sack Elvis impersonator, plus more desperate characters come to life in the action-packed and hilarious story written by Adam Minarovich and from the director of THE COOLER and RUNNING SCARED, Wayne Kramer.